Lobby and Table at A23
Grid Lobby in Tablet/Mobile
Keeping with the pledge of providing only the best playing experience for its players on all platforms, A23 added yet another feature on the Tablet/mobile platform in the form of Grid Lobby. In addition to the Easy Lobby (already present), Grid Lobby would allow players to choose a game variant with required entry amount and no. of players in a more structured format.
By applying easy filters, the player would be able to see clearly whether the games of his choice are in Open/Registering stage and would be able to join accordingly. The application would also remember the filters applied previously thus making it more convenient for players to see only his favorite games the next time.

Multiple Game Support
Heeding to multiple requests by the players, A23 added the feature of multiple game support in the Mobile/Tablet version of the game which would allow the player to simultaneously play three games even while on the mobile platform. Earlier the players who were using this feature extensively on the Web/Desktop version of the game would be able to enjoy the same seamless experience on the Mobile/Tablet version of the game as well.