Skill games like rummy have made a huge impact on the thought process of gaming. Eventually, things have been changed when the traditional 13 card games roved to the ...
13 card rummy Games are one of the simplest card games that can be learned in a short period of time. Being a beginner, Learning how to play rummy can be a lot of...
Rummy is the largely played game in India. Be it a stadium or a television, cricket has a special place in Indian hearts in experiencing the joy of watching the game live. ...
Techniques to win Online Rummy
Like every skilled game, there are key strategies to play rummy online and win the game. Firstly, having the belief that you can alwa...
Joker is a substitute card and/or wild card in online rummy. Despite the card values we hold, a joker card can be a game-changer when you need just one card to finish off t...
Indian Rummy is one among the traditional card games played with family and friends in India. Though social gathering under one roof is not often possible, A23 rummy is her...