Rummy is a skill-based card game that requires basic understanding and thorough practice to reach an expert level. When we talk about the instances in the rummy games, it c...
Believe it or not, rummy is a pure skill game that requires a strategy to ace. As relying on luck will take you nowhere, gut your game skills instead and pick you...
Ever thought about what makes rummy so exciting? Well, a card game like rummy is definitely a challenging one. Leaving the win and lose in the back seat, the game has got s...
Rummy is a fastidious skill game that requires assorted strategies to play and win the game. Just like a say, “A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step”, none ...
Games are one of the best ways of recreation where some of the skill games can help to improve cognitive skills. In the rise of today’s digitalization, card games like rumm...
The skill game rummy has a connection with everything. In fact, the songs we listen in our pass time or while traveling, rummy has a close connection with them. Aren’t you ...