Skill games like rummy have made a huge impact on the thought process of gaming. Eventually, things have been changed when the traditional 13 card games roved to the next generations by transforming game culture online. A23 is the first-ever online rummy site to introduce the richness of rummy games digitally. Though there are numerous reasons to choose A23, let’s walk through 13 interesting facts about A23.
User Interface: A23 has got the best user interface to easily master the details of the game. The interactive designs and graphic elements bonded together to offer a seamless gaming experience to the users/players.
Game Quality: Social events & card games are the best combinations ever to wrap the day funalicious. A23 ensures a fair gameplay policy. Wherever you are, Rummy on A23 is just a click away to play rummy at any time.
Live Conversation: When we play rummy with family and friends, one of the best part is having fun conversations and munchings until the game ends. Just to make sure that we do not miss out on this essence on our digital platform, we provide chatting space to converse while playing the game. However, we do not encourage any unethical conversations to happen among the table players.
Random Number Generator (RNG): A23 online rummy is open to playing 24X7, maintains transparency in the game where a gameplay interface is programmed, and includes RNG certified card distribution methodology. The table players are given cards generated from the random number generator certified by I Tech labs in Australia, renowned as the best certification for online gaming.
Safe & Secure: It is quite natural to be anxious to try playing rummy online. At A23, you will realize how intensely the game grabbed our attention in the name of fun & entertainment. It has got the safest & secure features to play rummy for free and real cash & win big!
Customer support: A23 always considers customers and their interests’ as a top priority. Our customer support team is just a call away to take care of your requirements and resolve your issues if any.
Legality: “Is rummy legal to play?” This is the common question arises, who are unaware of online rummy and its legality. Don’t crop up this angst in your minds as the Supreme court of India has come up with a verdict long back that Rummy is purely a game of skill. So, don’t think, just play rummy online on A23.
Confidentiality: A23 asks for basic details as a part of the registration verification of the player. No wonder that you might be curious about the security features that the site offers. A23 platform is protected with world-class security features to prevent player information from being shared with anyone.
Online transactions: Dealing with online money transactions and disclosing banking information sounds reluctant to anyone. But A23 assures SSL protection which provides globally acknowledged features to protect such sensitive information, and no one can divulge it. We provide a secured payment gateway for hassle-free payment and withdrawal process.
Festive Vibes:
13 card games influenced our culture in many ways. The rules of the rummy game differ from each variation, but still, the 13 card rummy is the most loved variant in India. Rummy is the most played card game variant among family & friends during festivals or gatherings as a citation for fortune. Considering card games as a skill activity, it is good to play and have fun with your pals.
Learn Rummy: A23 has jotted down the game rules in a simple way to encourage people to learn & play rummy on A23. Also, one can stream game learning videos on “how to play rummy?” to start the game journey as a beginner.
Bonus Offers: A23 bestows exciting bonus offers to the newbies upon the registration confirmation process. We offer a wide range of bonuses to the players at every level to encourage their gameplay.
Tournaments: A23 giveaway exciting cash prizes in tourneys based on the player level. A wide range of tournaments organized such as beginner tournaments, deep stack, daily fantastic freerolls, weekend special tourneys – Super Saturday, Million Gala & Thank God it’s Saturday in a whopping prize pool.
What are you still thinking about? Just ward off all disquiet and experience the true essence of Rummy online on A23.
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