Even the simplest quotes can motivate us when times seem bleak. They lift our spirits and urge us to self-reflect. On another note, they act as fun, quirky anecdotes that help make time memorable.
From the simplest to the most complex things in life, anything can help make up a quote. The same is true for card games.
Not all card games are just a fun experience. Some of the most relatable and motivational quotes come from Rummy and other similar card games. A philosophical approach to card games, Rummy and playing cards quotes apply to a lot of areas in day to day life.
Thought Provoking Quotes about Card Games and Life
From its conception in the early 20th century to the present day, card games like Rummy have remained popular. This in turn has led to people stating lines that have stayed with us.
Shared by some of the greatest minds over the years, some of the top quotes that are relevant to both card games and life are:
- It is a great piece of skill to know how to guide your odds and even while waiting for it – Baltasar Gracian (philosopher and Baroque prose writer)
- Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt to you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will – Jawaharlal Nehru
- Life consists not in holding good cards but in paying those you hold well. – Josh Billings
- If you play your cards right, things are going to happen in the long run. In the short run it’s anybody’s guess. – Ron Livingston (Actor)
- Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes playing a poor hand well. – Jack London (Author and Journalist)
- I must complain that the cards are ill shuffled, till I have a good hand. – Jonathan Swift (Poet and Novelist)
- When life deals you a bad hand, shuffle the deck and play again. you never know what the next draw might bring. – Ezra Chance
- Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her: but once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game. – Voltaire (philosopher and historian)
- You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else. – Albert Einstein (Scientist) online Rummy
- In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s mind there are few – Shunryu Suzuki (Soto Zen Monk)
- In the grand game of life, the cards we hold may seem random, but our choices define the outcome – Ron Livingston
- One must always play fair when one has the winning cards – Oscar Wilde (Playwright)
- God deals us all different hands. How we play them is up to us. – Jeannette Walls (Author and Journalist)
- Life is like a deck of cards, once we shuffle it the cards get changed. Just like this if we shuffle a few pages of our life it will get changed too. – Solo Krickster
- With talent you win a game, with consistency you become a champion – Anonymous
Taking a very holistic view of how to deal with the toughest of situations, playing cards quotes offer a view of the psyche of the people. They also give advice on how to react to and tackle various situations, in a manner that is true to card games and real life.
Most quotes related to card games serve as the motto of life. They urge people to be more aware and smart with the decisions they make. Some playing cards quotes seek to inspire people in the toughest of times asking them to stay strong and make the best of what they have.
Best Quotes about Rummy and the Art of Strategy
Just like there are playing cards quotes, there are Rummy quotes as well. However, instead of pondering on life, they are more fun and playful, taking a fun outlook on life.
The most popular Rummy quotes we often hear are:
- So simple is the game of Rummy that the best way to learn is just to play it – Walter B Gibson (Author and Magician)
- A beginner with any native common sense can play Rummy – Albert H Morehead (NYT writer)
- In Rummy, as in love, timing is everything. Play your cards wisely and you will win all hearts. – Maya Royale
- If you were to put together a “Greatest Hits” list for card games, you’d have to put Rummy at the top of the list. Probably more people have played Rummy than any other card game – Susan Perry (writer and novelist)
- The best Rummy players don’t just follow the rules; they create their own strategies. Be a maverick at the table! – Vikram Acevedo
- Rummy is deservedly popular because it is easy to learn, fast to play, suitable for all ages, playable at any number, and as suitable for all – David Parlett (Scholar and historian)
- A well-played Rummy hand is like a symphony – each card contributes to the harmony and the final meld is the crescendo – Rumi Cardoza
- Rummy teaches us that even seemingly unrelated pieces can come together to form a winning combination – Lila Rivers
- The guy who invented playing cards was bright, the guy who invented Rummy was genius – Anonymous
- The beauty of Rummy lies in its unpredictability. Embrace the challenges, and you’ll grow stronger – Anonymous
Instead of life lessons, each of these is simpler with less serious undertones. This makes for some fun, quirky notes when playing a hand of Rummy online or in person.
Do Rummy and Playing Cards Quotes truly matter?
Just like there are people who play cards as a recreation, there are also others who seek to earn from card matches. Similar to how you feel on top of the world when you win a game of Rummy online, losing a hand can leave you disheartened.
Though we don’t always relate the two, real life is just the same. Good times and the getting results we seek leave us on a high note. On the other end of the spectrum, loss and misfortunes leave us feeling dejected. Playing cards quotes make this situation more relatable, making people feel more confident about their approach to life. They provide motivation when there is none, making people gain a sense of confidence.
Similarly, Rummy quotes spread the idea of a fun time. As a result, they are often on a lighter note, being more playful. While some are more attuned to the games, others are meant to be mottos for life.
The Spirit of Competition in Card Games
Competitive yet fun, Rummy and similar card games draw millions across the globe. If you are an avid Rummy player, you are probably well versed in the game. Just like knowing the rules and tricks are important for a win, you can use the same to read people in real life. Let the playing cards quotes serve as a motivation and have a great time playing online Rummy.
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